What is a Family Office & Can it Be Effective For Raising Capital? | Angelo Robles Founder of Family Office Association
Angelo Robles, Founder & Chairman, Family Office Association, serves as the Chairman of the Family Office Association Institute. Robles is regarded as leader in the single family office industry, whose expertise is regularly sought by media outlets such as Bloomberg Television, the Wall Street Journal, Institutional Investor, Opalesque, HFM Week, Investment News, Eureka Hedge and Private Asset Management, among others. He has authored two books and multiple articles on topics relevant to Single Family Office’s.
- What does your Family Office Association Do?
- Tell us about your background and why you created the FOA?
- What is a family office?
- Why would someone create a family office?
- What types of investments do family office invest in?
- Do Family Offices invest in startups?
- What is the #1 most important aspect of a Family Office?
- Can creating a family office grow the families wealth?
- How can a family office protect the families wealth?
- Someone would like to get a hold of you what services do you provide?
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